Visitors Facilities in Bandipur National Park

  • By Tushar
  • 17/Oct/2023
  • Comments (1k)
tiger safari tour

Bandipur National Park is one of the well-known national parks in India, located in the southern state of Karnataka. It is part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and is renowned for its diverse wildlife and lush greenery. Visitors to Bandipur National Park can enjoy a range of facilities and activities, making it a popular destination for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers. Here are some of the visitor facilities and activities you can find in Bandipur National Park:

Safari Options Available in Bandipur National Park:

1. Jeep Safaris: One of the most popular ways to explore the park is through guided jeep safaris. These provide an up-close and personal experience with the park's wildlife.

2. Bus Safaris: The Park also offers bus safaris for larger groups of tourists. These tours are conducted by the Karnataka State Forest Department and provide a more budget-friendly option.

3. Elephant Safaris: Bandipur offers elephant safaris, allowing visitors to get a unique and elevated view of the park's landscape and wildlife.

4. Interpretation Centres: There are interpretation centers within the park that provide information about the flora and fauna, as well as the conservation efforts in place.

Accommodation Options Available:

Various lodges, resorts, and guesthouses are available for visitors to stay in and around Bandipur National Park. Some popular options include The Serai, Dhole's Den, and MC Resorts.

Karnataka Forest Department also operates several guesthouses and cottages inside the park. Booking may be done through the official forest department website.

1. Camping: Camping facilities are available for those who want to experience the wilderness more intimately. Be sure to obtain the necessary permits for camping.

2. Nature Trails: There are designated nature trails where visitors can explore the park on foot, guided by park authorities.

3. Bird Watching: Birdwatchers will find a paradise in Bandipur, with over 200 species of birds, including the Indian roller, honey buzzard, and crested serpent eagle.

4. Wildlife Photography: Bandipur National Park offers excellent opportunities for wildlife photography. You can capture images of elephants, tigers, leopards, deer, and numerous other species.

5. Visitor Centers: The Park has visitor centers where you can gather information, watch documentaries, and learn more about the park's ecology and conservation efforts.

6. Rest Houses: There are rest houses within the park where you can relax and enjoy the natural beauty.

7. Restaurants and Cafeterias: Several restaurants and cafeterias are available for visitors to enjoy meals during their stay.


Please note that it's essential to check the latest rules and regulations, including entry fees, permits, and safari timings, as these can change periodically. Also, make sure to respect the park's rules and guidelines to protect the natural environment and its wildlife.


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